Original: Gym Challenge

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132 products

Gym Challenge 1st Edition

Blaine's Quiz #2 (111/132)

4.40 $ CAD

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Gym Challenge 1st Edition

Misty's Psyduck (90/132)

4.40 $ CAD

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Gym Challenge 1st Edition

Koga's Pidgey (49/132)

4.10 $ CAD

Out of Stock

Gym Challenge 1st Edition

Lt. Surge's Electrode (52/132)

4.10 $ CAD

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Gym Challenge 1st Edition

Sabrina's Abra (94/132)

4.10 $ CAD

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Gym Challenge 1st Edition

Brock's Sandslash (36/132)

3.90 $ CAD

Out of Stock

Gym Challenge 1st Edition

Sabrina's Psychic Control (121/132)

3.90 $ CAD

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Gym Challenge 1st Edition

Giovanni's Nidorina (44/132)

3.70 $ CAD

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Gym Challenge 1st Edition

Sabrina's Psyduck (99/132)

3.70 $ CAD

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Gym Challenge 1st Edition

Brock's Graveler (34/132)

3.50 $ CAD

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Gym Challenge 1st Edition

Blaine's Dodrio (32/132)

3.50 $ CAD

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Gym Challenge 1st Edition

Sabrina's Jynx (57/132)

3.60 $ CAD

Out of Stock

Gym Challenge 1st Edition

Koga's Weezing (50/132)

3.60 $ CAD

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Gym Challenge 1st Edition

Giovanni's Nidorino (45/132)

3.40 $ CAD

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Gym Challenge 1st Edition

Misty's Magikarp (88/132)

3.40 $ CAD

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Gym Challenge 1st Edition

Max Revive (117/132)

3.40 $ CAD

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Gym Challenge 1st Edition

Koga's Golbat (46/132)

3.10 $ CAD

Out of Stock

Gym Challenge 1st Edition

Koga's Ninja Trick (115/132)

3.10 $ CAD

Out of Stock

Gym Challenge 1st Edition

Blaine's Growlithe (62/132)

2.90 $ CAD

Out of Stock

Gym Challenge 1st Edition

Lt. Surge's Raticate (53/132)

3.00 $ CAD

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Gym Challenge 1st Edition

Koga's Kakuna (47/132)

2.90 $ CAD

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Gym Challenge 1st Edition

Blaine's Vulpix (66/132)

2.80 $ CAD

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Gym Challenge 1st Edition

Erika's Bellsprout (38/132)

2.70 $ CAD

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Gym Challenge 1st Edition

Erika's Jigglypuff (69/132)

2.70 $ CAD

Out of Stock

Gym Challenge 1st Edition

Sabrina's Gastly (96/132)

2.70 $ CAD

Out of Stock

Gym Challenge 1st Edition

Sabrina's Abra (93/132)

2.70 $ CAD

Out of Stock

Gym Challenge 1st Edition

Rocket's Minefield Gym (119/132)

2.80 $ CAD

Out of Stock

Gym Challenge 1st Edition

Koga's Koffing (48/132)

2.50 $ CAD

Out of Stock

Gym Challenge 1st Edition

Sabrina's Porygon (98/132)

2.50 $ CAD

Out of Stock

Gym Challenge 1st Edition

Giovanni's Meowth (74/132)

2.40 $ CAD

Out of Stock

Gym Challenge 1st Edition

Misty's Poliwag (89/132)

2.10 $ CAD

Out of Stock

Gym Challenge 1st Edition

Giovanni's Nidoran (76/132) (Male)

2.10 $ CAD

Out of Stock

132 products