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143 products
HeartGold & SoulSilver: Base Set
Granbull (22/123)
0.70 $ CAD
Growlithe (65/123)
Jigglypuff (68/123)
0.60 $ CAD
Metapod (46/123)
Phanpy (77/123)
Sunkern (85/123)
Totodile (86/123)
Unown (54/123)
Wigglytuff (56/123)
Chansey (58/123)
Copycat (90/123)
Corsola (37/123)
0.50 $ CAD
Donphan (40/123)
Dunsparce (41/123)
Girafarig (64/123)
Mantine (45/123)
Miltank (47/123)
Parasect (48/123)
Qwilfish (50/123)
Skiploom (51/123)
Slowpoke (81/123)
Starmie (53/123)
Staryu (84/123)
Bill (89/123)
0.45 $ CAD
Caterpie (57/123)
Chikorita (59/123)
Clefairy (60/123)
Drowzee (62/123)
Exeggcute (63/123)
Full Heal (93/123)
Hoothoot (66/123)
Hoppip (67/123)
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