Shipping & Returns
Release Date: | TBA |
Set Name: | Attack On Titan: Final Season |
Card Number: | AOT/SX04-078TTR TTR |
Rarity: | Titan Rare |
Card Type: | Character |
Color: | Blue |
Level: | 3 |
Cost: | 2 |
Soul: | 2 |
Power: | 10000 |
Trigger: | Soul |
[AUTO] When this card attacks, this card gets +X power until end of turn. X is equal to the number of other "Eldian" or "Titan" characters you have ×500. [AUTO] [(3) Put 1 card from your hand into your waiting room & Put 1 other character from your stage into your waiting room] This ability ACTivates up to 1 time per turn. During the turn that this card is placed on the stage from your hand, at the end of this card's attack, you may pay the cost. If you do, [STAND] this card.
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